VBS Registration Child's Name * First Name Last Name Child's Last Grade Completed * Pre-School Pre-K K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Parent/Guardian's Name * First Name Last Name Parent/Guardian's Phone Number * (###) ### #### Emergency Contact Name * First Name Last Name Emergency Contact Phone Number * (###) ### #### How will your child get to VBS each day? * Is there someone your child is not allowed to leave with? * Does your family attend church? * Yes No If so, where? Are we allowed to put a picture of your child on our website or social media? * Yes No Would you like to buy a VBS shirt for $10? * Yes No If so, what size? 4T YXS YS YM YL YXL AS AM AL AXL Thank you!https://venmo.com/u/Michael-Moore-2255If you would like to pay for your T-shirt online, click on the link above make sure you add your name and your child’s name in the memo